Ten Things My 2011 Relevant Roomie(s) Should Know About Me

*A note before you read this. After doing an audit of my blog in 2022, I have decided to leave content that speaks to the Christian I was at the time this was written. I no longer identify as Christian (and haven’t for a very long time.) I chose to leave these posts because it is who I was then and it is important to me to be honest and true with every iteration and evolution of self that I experience. I may decide to add comments to the end of posts like this as well

I took a leap of faith and


There are no words for the humbling this has placed upon my heart. I'm just in awe of God and how he's moved you to generosity (for me?) for me... I pray that you are as blessed as I am at this moment.  If you ordered a piece of art from me, I promise you that my love and prayers will be poured out over them like this.

Thank you all for making my soul sing.  I can’t thank you enough.

1.  I’m posting this, so that means that in LESS THAN 36 hours:

  • God put an yearning in my spirit. I said to my 2010 Roomie, Brooke, “I had no desire to go until today and I don’t know if I should ‘be still’ or move to action”
  • He moved tell my story to others (and I just don’t know how to thank you enough!)
  • He put the urge in others to give and they gave generously (my words of thanks will never be adequate)
  • He made a ticket available
  • a room available
  • He made it possible for my son to stay with my sister
  • He made it possible for me to change my Visual Prayer monthly workshop to the week before Relevant
  •  He blessed me with a long time, dear friend who works at an airline
  • I’m sure there’s more—but really, what are the chances ALL this would just *happen* to fall into place in less than 36 hours with His divine hand?

so what my roomie(s) should know is that I don’t feel like I deserve this and I have no idea why and I always need to know why and just this once I’m going to praise and give Him glory and I’m going to try my best to just be.  be still. and turn my analytical brain to “shut up” and I’m just going to be grateful and give thanks.

2.  I still snore. Sorry. I hope I don’t keep you up.  But if you push me I’ll roll over and it’ll be ok.

3.  I’ve had an eventful (understatement!) couple of years Ok. so it’s over a decade now. I’ll try not overwhelm you. (the list stopped in 2009, since then my mom died, Phil’s step-dad died, Phil got fired for no reason at the end of July and since we lived on site as part of his compensation package, we had to move.)

4.  My brain never stops hoarding information. So I do Visual Prayer to shut it up.

5.  I’ve tossed pizza dough, made beef sandwiches, slathered paste on billboard posters, been a fine-dining waitress, a truck stop waitress, a quality control inspector, a bank teller, a retail cashier, a truck driver, a home-party guru, a women’s ministry leader, an author, and editor, and an artist.

6. I met my husband in a traffic jam (going on) 18 years ago!

7.  I love coffee. And Starbucks Energy Drinks.

8. I’m allergic to MSG and have subsequently cut out all preservatives, additives, and unnatural ingredients in our diets. (and I’m still fat and happy because my thyroid is a wreck.)

9.  I stand in awe of God daily. (I believe, help me in my unbelief.)

10.  I want to hug EVERY single person I can when I get to Harrisburg!!!!!!

Wanna read my 2010 list?

8 thoughts on “Ten Things My 2011 Relevant Roomie(s) Should Know About Me”

  1. So if you are still rooming with Dawn then I guess we are roomies :)) I lost my mom o mere 3 1/2 weeks ago. You can see my top 10 on my blog. Nice to meet you!

  2. I am happy to hear that it is official you are coming!!! That is just awesome. I love your list and will gladly accept a hug from you in just a few days!

  3. What an awesome testimony!! Last year, there was no way I was going…and God made a way for me through the blogging community too! I’m so excited that you’re able to go….I know the Lord has awesome things in store!

  4. Pingback: 10 Things My Relevant Roomies Should Know | Simply Rebekah
  5. Pingback: Inside Out — michellependergrass.com
  6. Pingback: Looking Toward the Allume Conference | The Momma Knows

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