Better Than I Used To Be

Been listening to this song quite a bit.

These lines in particular:

I know how to hold a grudge
I can send a bridge up in smoke
And I can’t count the people I’ve let down, the hearts I’ve broke

You ain’t gotta dig too deep
If you wanna find some dirt on me
I’m learning who you’ve been
Ain’t who you’ve got to be

You can dig up dirt on me and truly, it’s not hard. I’m an open book. I typically spill all the dirt here anyway. So you can go back and find that I haven’t always been nice. I’m probably not too kind these days, but I’m better than I used to be.

And I’m learning who I’ve been ain’t who I gotta be.

And isn’t that what grace is?

Six months into this year of Grace and all I can say for sure is I’m better than I used to be.  And I’m trying harder than I ever have. I’m gonna mess up. (I ain’t no angel. I still gotta few more dances with the devil.)

The lyrics of this song hit home. Maybe because Tim Mcgraw is my age and I get what he’s saying. I’m guessing the younger crowd won’t get this song, but for me it really hits home.  For the next half of this year and on I hope I can focus on the gettin’ better.  The diamond under the dust.

I’ve pinned a lot of demons to the ground
I’ve got a few old habits left
There’s one or two I might need you to help me get
Standin in the rain so long has left me with a little rust
But put some faith in me
And someday you’ll see
There’s a diamond under all this dust

I’m trying to hold fewer grudges, burn less bridges. Give more grace.

It always comes down to grace.


3 thoughts on “Better Than I Used To Be”

  1. I most definitely understand this song. And though I have walked with Him more in my life than I haven’t, it took a long time to understand grace. Unfortunately, it took the depths of pain and stupid choices to get it. But I’m thankful that I’m better than I used to be. Thanks for sharing from your heart.

    • Reminds me of Luke 7:40-47. The passage ends with:

      “Therefore I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; that’s why she loved much. But the one who is forgiven little, loves little.”

      Could we love much (extend grace much) if we’d only been forgiven a little?

  2. It does. The grace as we grow is extraordinary; it reminds me to heap it on to others because growing, as we both know, is not easy at all.


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