Military Dreams

In the first one, the government wooed people to join this project and promised all this wonderful stuff. When the project started though, the military’s mission was to starve us out. They cut off our food supply, but no one really knew. We just received smaller deliveries. I had noticed early on so I’d been rationing our family’s food.

In the second one, I had enlisted, or was thinking of enlisting. I was on a bus full of teenagers also enlisting. We were being driven to the ocean for a weekend drill. There were these condos that everyone had their phones out taking pictures of saying that’s where we’ll be for the weekend…oceanfront condos!  They were talking about parties (and I knew it wouldn’t be they way they thought it would.) I looked back and said to myself, aloud, “Wow. They’re all just babies.”

It was night as we arrived and it was about to storm. Two women in civilian clothes told us to run into the cornfield across the street and everyone else listened. They were picking up these squares of sand (looked like carpet squares, but made out of sand) and they piled them on a flatbed semi along with rocks and driftwood. One lady asked why I wasn’t participating and I told her I was not about to run around a cornfield in the lightening to pick up sand and sticks in the dark. The sun was starting to come up by now and I walked away from her, pulled out my phone, and took pictures of the sunrise.

2 thoughts on “Military Dreams”

  1. Water always represents spirituality in my dreams, so in the second, the ocean is a huge body of water. The bus would indicate travel. I’m wondering if the teens on the bus (I described them as babies) were showing a stark difference in my teenage years compared to where I am now.


    To see the army in your dream symbolizes an overpowering force working against you. You may feel outnumbered or pressured and are unable to deal with this situation.

    To see the military in your dream signifies rigid authority and emotional repression. Perhaps you need to be more disciplined

    If you have served with the military, then this dream may represent your actual life experiences and memories. (I served for a brief period, in my teenage years.)

    To dream about starvation indicates that you are lacking in some mental or emotional area of your life. You may be ignoring or avoiding an important family/emotional issue. Starvation dreams are not uncommon in individuals who are dieting or who have an eating disorder.

    To see an ocean in your dream represents the state of your emotions and feelings. It is indicative of spiritual refreshment, tranquility and renewal. Alternatively, the dream means that you are feeling empowered and unhindered. You have a positive outlook in life and are not limited by anything.

    To see lightning in your dream signifies sudden awareness, insight, spiritual revelation, truth and purification. Alternatively, lightning implies a shocking turn of events. There are many forces governing your life that may be beyond your control and even destructive.

    I can see all of these symbols meaning these things. Life has been major crazy lately, filled with surprising turns.

  2. You always have the craziest and most vivid dreams. Reading your interpretation this is SO on point, so interesting!!


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