
bold. honest. confident.

who i am is something i never questioned.

but my purpose in life? i think i’ve questioned that several times. almost ten years ago, i realized my purpose in the kingdom of Christ. kinda.

i mean, i learned that i am created for His glory and when i live for him and when my desires are His desires, things happen. sorta.

i thought i knew what He wanted so i went full force into it–because i don’t do shit halfway. and He shut me down on a dime.


so i get why some people tip-toe around. running into the brick wall that is God at tip-toe speed is far less painful than being stopped by His big hand at light speed. but that’s me, and i don’t know another way. i figure, He created me, He must know.

(and He does)

then there was the next thing i thought He wanted me to do. again with the plowing forward, full-steam ahead. and again with the pain, the brokenness

(and the healing)

and here i go again. but now i have no clue what he wants me to do. how do i DO when I don’t know what to DO? there’s this vicious urge in my soul to run, plow, push, fight, move, GO, DO

and yet there’s nowhere. nothing. i can’t see ahead.

i want to see the rainbow after the storm

storm rainbow

but the truth i don’t

not right now

7 thoughts on “Storming”

  1. Beautiful. You tap the words, I am certain many feel, I know I feel quite similar right now…its a season. Prayers for you to see ahead soon.


  2. So maybe.. possibly.. what you are to DO, is nothing. Full force, plowing ahead has netted the same results.. why not give tip toeing a try? If we always fight what goes against our own grain.. surrender and see what happens then, right? Close your eyes and Be Still and KNOW that He is God.
    I know that is HIS.. but I got that from YOU 🙂

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