Tackle it Tuesday–Calendars, Time, Grief

Tackle It Tuesday Meme
You can see all of my Tackles here.
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Phil received a Pottery Barn Daily System for his birthday and the wall is now wired and Phil installed this very cool, very useful calendar, corkboard, whiteboard, charging station, and digital frame. (No pics yet!)

As if I need more reason to love this thing?

Speaking of calendars…how many of you have made time to enjoy life?

Quit being so busy. Quit overbooking yourself and your family. Take control of your time and vow to spend time with those you love and enjoy. Don’t you know how fast it all goes by?

I lost some very important people in the past few years and it’s now, Christmas season, when I tend to miss them most because they were so big a part of my Christmases. The void is unfillable. The grief is overwhelming at times. And I know how many times I’ve wished I would’ve spent a little more time with them. I don’t remember what I did instead of visiting them and making memories, all I know is the memories aren’t there because I chose to do other things instead. Unimportant things.

I want that to change for the people I still have here to love.

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7 thoughts on “Tackle it Tuesday–Calendars, Time, Grief”

  1. I hear you on the grief at this time of year. It always brings with it a mix of emotions. And I think you're right that the solution is about leaving behind the unimportant things at this time and spending time with those that matter the most.

  2. Love that system! Pottery Barn is SOOOOO lovely! I drool over their catalog… just love them!

    And big hugs over missing family and friends who have passed away.

    I think you are wise to realize this time of year is better spent with loved ones that worrying about the small stuff!


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