Update: 11:53am Wednesday. I’m FINISHED!!!
This week’s project…The dining room table that seems forever full of clean clothes. Some piles folded, others waiting to be folded, all of them need to be put away!!
Here’s my dining room table BEFORE:
I’d also like to KEEP last week’s project looking good, so I’ll do a before and after shot of my desk–y’know, to keep me accountable. If I think you’re looking and checking in on me, I’ll have more reason to keep it clean.
So here it is after a week, I’ll clean it up and post a new picture later.
Come back later to see the finished projects!!
Join Us For Tackle It TuesdayWe’re making housework blog-able!
Each week on Tuesday, we are posting before and after pictures of a project or trouble area that we tackled this week.
Find out more about Tackle It Tuesday here.
The project can be little or big – whatever you want. Basically, Tackle It Tuesday is about giving ourselves incentive, deadlines and satisfaction in getting our household tasks done. (It doesn’t even have to be housework… just whatever is on your To Do list.)
Good luck with that dining room table. I would love to have a house with very few horizontal surfaces! They always seem to collect stuff!!
Ugh – I hate folding and putting laundry away, I have some of that to do tonight myself! Good luck and I’ll be back later to see how it turned out!
PS – I love your desk, with all of the baskets and especially the ‘simplify’ sign, such a great reminder! 🙂
Your dining room table looks like my chaise. :o) How do we stay on top of those pesky laundry piles?? It seems like it is a never ending battle.
Can’t wait to see your table — set and ready for supper! *smile*
Blessings, Beckie :o)
Oh, I just got rid of our pool table in the downstairs, that was where all my laundry went! I would fold and the boys never put them in there rooms, drove me crazy! Boys gone, pool table gone.. 🙂
My Tackle it tuesday is up
Didn’t I fold some of those clothes last time I was there, LOL?
Uhm. Yeah. You did.
Ah rats!! I missed Tackle It Tuesday, shucks, (you can hear the sadness there right, lol) I’ll join in next week! and Boy do I have the projects!! Although, I have slowly started to do some little stuff this month since I’ve been feeling alittle better. Hmmm, should I take the rest of the week off and save things until Tuesday??? just kidding, maybe, lol