Oh, now that is very interesting. Do all acorns go through that stage or is it a specific kind of oak tree? I’m clueless when it comes to all things plant-life.
The simple things in nature seem to be the most beautiful. I hope those furry acorns aren’t a sign of the winter to come! lol I would like to see an extreme close up of these little goodies 🙂
ooooh, they really do look fuzzy, don’t they!
Oh, now that is very interesting. Do all acorns go through that stage or is it a specific kind of oak tree? I’m clueless when it comes to all things plant-life.
The simple things in nature seem to be the most beautiful. I hope those furry acorns aren’t a sign of the winter to come! lol I would like to see an extreme close up of these little goodies 🙂
Fuzzy nuts… **giggle**