If you’ve known me for any length of time you know we *ding* when we change subjects, right? I think there might even be a few of you who have learned how valuable the ding system is.
I’m happy to introduce to you, the originator, my *ding* friend: Jill now blogging at Fluff ‘n Babble ‘n Brains. It took her over a year to think of that name. Just teasing.
Jill is one of my best friends in the whole world. She fed me ice chips while I was in labor and Phil was on somewhere in Arizona and my parents were in a hotel in Illinois. God stuck us together at a bank we both worked at in Missouri at a time that I really needed a friend. I love how He does that!
I LOVE the title of her blog. Can’t wait to meet her. I love *Ding*. Must be my rabbit brain.
Looks like a blog I’ll be adding to my reader. Thanks!
oh, so now I get it! Ding! Yeah, makes sense!
Awww, blush, He indeed made it clear we were to meet, she had applied for a job where my husband at the time was working, I can’t remember why that didn’t happen (small town politics I think), but then we met where I worked and had that “I’ve known your forever” thing. ding We even tried ‘mind melding’ with people we worked with for awhile, joined mental forces and all, and …. it actually sorta worked in subtle ways! Don’t tick us off!! hehe.
Ps. She forgot to mention the mouse which came IN when we were trying to get her out of the house to the hospital, the dog who DIDN’T come in (until later & then had played with a skunk!! You should have seen me trying to give him a bath, poor dog! It was my pre-dog days), and THEN, her yelling at my driving ALLLLL the way into town to the hospital!! sigh, We had planned on me doing a test drive. I had never driven a minivan, I had a camaro, quite a big difference, but NOOOOO, she had to go into labor first. Our plans never worked, well, until we got up to about plan F!! We were quite a pair 🙂 Miss ya much Michelle!!! Love ya