Good Lawd Almighty! Finished before noon. Before eleven, even! Miracles never cease…
7 thoughts on “Tackle It Tuesday-Muddy Floors”
OK..I just have to say that I love your green floor! I love how ht mud just pops against the color! lol!! No, really, I do like it a lot…is it linoleum, tiles???
OK..I just have to say that I love your green floor! I love how ht mud just pops against the color! lol!! No, really, I do like it a lot…is it linoleum, tiles???
It almost looks like artwork! Are you sure you want to mop it away? 😀
If it is clean by the end of the day will you show us? 🙂
You’re going to have to put the person that made that mess to work!
Oh, I wish I just had mopping to do! Your house makes mine look like a disaster area. lol Love your tile!
Guess I’d better stop procrastinating and get going on my own project, huh? ;o)
Whoooo! Nothing like clean shiny floors at 10:39 in the morning! You’re good!
I heard its supposed to drop 40 degrees tonight between 7-10pm. Brrrr! All the snow is supposed to stay to the north though.
Stay Warm!
So funny – great job!