
When Forgiveness Doesn’t Lead to Immediate Healing

*A note before you read this. After doing an audit of my blog in 2022, I have decided to leave content that speaks to the Christian I was at the time this was written. I no longer identify as Christian (and haven’t for a very long time.) I chose to leave these posts because it is who I was then … Read More

Removing the Toxins

So here it is. After researching my MTHFR gene mutation (which 40% of the population has) and finding out my body has a very difficult time ridding itself of toxins, I’m on a journey to help it as much as I possibly can. 18 months ago my body was in adrenal failure (which is fatal if left unchecked, and I … Read More

Happy Dance!!!!

It’s been almost 18 months since my first visit with my endocrinologist. 16 months since I went (militantly) gluten free on her recommendation. 12 months since starting adrenal meds. 3 months since starting a T3 supplement (in addition to the T4 I’ve taken for years.) Today, the adrenal failure diagnosis is officially gone!! My labs came back optimal for TSH, T3, … Read More

Reflecting {restore}

*A note before you read this. After doing an audit of my blog in 2022, I have decided to leave content that speaks to the Christian I was at the time this was written. I no longer identify as Christian (and haven’t for a very long time.) I chose to leave these posts because it is who I was then … Read More

Authentic Czech-Slovak Gluten-Free Goulash

My mother’s family is Bohemian. My great-aunt Mary Skiba came over on the boat. We lived in a tight knit community where most of the neighbors shared our heritage. Growing up, I didn’t know that we ate different than others. When we went to church on Easter to have our food blessed, most people had the same items in their … Read More

Fuckin’ Perfect

Brave. I’ve been hearing that a lot lately in regards to both my professional life and my private, personal life. Yet I sit here and my eyes overfill and pain spills down my face. I listen to this and I tell myself I am not what they say I am. I can ignore it for a long time. I can … Read More

Pot of homemade brine for meat

Pendergrass Brine Recipe

We’ve recently started brining our pork, chicken, and turkey. It adds a whole new level of juicy goodness to these easy-to-dry out meats!

Fasting {Weeks 11-12}

*A note before you read this. After doing an audit of my blog in 2022, I have decided to leave content that speaks to the Christian I was at the time this was written. I no longer identify as Christian (and haven’t for a very long time.) I chose to leave these posts because it is who I was then … Read More

Photo of Cold Cuban Bean Salad in a bowl

Cuban Cold Bean Salad

One of the most refreshing (and protein-rich!) summer salads I make is this Cuban Cold Bean Salad. It’s easy! The hardest part comes in chopping all the veggies, but just turn up your radio and jam out while you do. Cuban Cold Bean Salad 3 cans of beans rinsed and drained (we always use black beans, then we vary on the … Read More

Mo*Con: The Mind and Spirit of the Artist

*A note before you read this. After doing an audit of my blog in 2022, I have decided to leave content that speaks to the Christian I was at the time this was written. I no longer identify as Christian (and haven’t for a very long time.) I chose to leave these posts because it is who I was then … Read More